Saturday, March 9, 2013

Vibration Motion

Examples of vibration motion:

A pendulum is an object hung by a string from a fixed support. When we displace the object from equilibrium, it moves back and forth around it's equilibrium position. This is called vibration.

There is a spring on a stand and load on the bottom. If we pull the load, there will be motion on the load hanging on the spring. This is called spring motion.

Vibration is something moving rapidly and continuously back and forth passing through the balance position.

Examples of vibration motion in real life:

- A bobblehead doll is an example. Once we push the head with our finger, it will continuously move around through the balance position until it stops.

- A spring horse is another example. When a child sits on it and either pulls or push the handle, it will move rapidly and continuously until it stops.


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