Friday, February 22, 2013

Sources of Energy

  Sources of energy which are not renewable: cannot be regenerated after it is used up.
Examples are fossil fuel, coal, and natural gas.

  Sources of energy which are renewable: Source of energy which can be regenerated when it is used up.

 1. Wind Energy
- Always available in nature.
- Example: windmill. Disadvantages are they have big construction size and needs a high speed wind.

2. Waterfall Energy
- Moving water can rotate a turbine which further produces energy.
- Moving water has sufficient potential and kinetic energy.
- Example: Hydroelectric power plant. It is electricity generated from the energy of moving water.

3. Solar Energy
- Easy to get and pollution free
- It will never run out because the sun always beam to earth
- Example: calculator using solar energy

4. Nuclear Energy
- Fission: the splitting process of a heavy nucleus into two lighter nuclei and a huge energy release. Examples are nuclear power plant.
- Fusion: the process of joining the nuclei of atoms and a huge energy release.

5. Tidal Energy
- Example is a dike, used to gain electricity in a tidal power plant.

6. Geothermal Energy
- Produced from the heat of earth.
- A power plant which uses geothermal is called a geothermal power plant.

7. Biomass Energy
- The energy which comes from plants to animals.
- Plants are processed into alcohol to get biomass energy.

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